BLUE FLAME GAS STOVE WHAT IS BLUE FLAME !? Low smoke GAS STOVE are known as blue flame stoves . 0.05L of co2 emmision per her litre blue flame means 99% of the fuel is getting burnt up no blackening of vessels eco friendly ADVANTAGES OF BLUE FLAME RED or ORANGE flame means the fuel is not gettingf burnt up properly causes lot of toxic gas emmision and blackening of foods. and studies have proved that foods prepared in blackening vessels are potent carcinogenic . Blackening is nothing but the unburnt carbon particles Blue flame are the stove which burns full lpg gases and doesnt produce any of it CAUSES OF RED FLAME UNCLEAN BURNER JET LOCK NOT SUFFICIENT AIR BEND MIXING TUBE DYNAMIC PRODUCT IS THE INDIA'S FIRST MANUFACTURING COMPANY TO PRODUCE BLUE FLAME STOVE